Friday 4 October 2013

Super Herb That Destroys Cancer: Lei Gong Teng

Lei gong teng (Tripterygium wilfordii), a chinese plant sometimes called “Thunder God vine”, is a traditional Chinese medicine that has been used for centuries for individuals with fever, chills, edema and carbuncle. The plant’s ability to cure cancer only recently came into light when researchers at the University of Minnesota’s Masonic Cancer Centre found that compounds from this plant wiped out pancreatic tumours in mice, and showed no signs of tumours after 40 days or after discontinuing the treatment.

The natural compound, triptolide, found in lei gong teng, has been shown in numerous studies to induce apoptosis (cell death) in cancerous cells. In one study, the apoptosis induced by triptolide was mediated by up-regulating the expression of a gene associated with apoptosis called caspase-3 and bax, making triptolide a potential treatment for cancers of the pancreas.

“This drug is just unbelievably potent in killing tumour cells,” said Ashok Saluja, a vice chairman of research at the Masonic Cancer Centre. “You could see that every day you looked at those mice, the tumour was decreasing and decreasing, and then just gone.”

Unfortunately, researchers have now found a way to isolate triptolide into a new drug called minnelide, which is a modified form of the diterpenoid compound triptolide, isolated from the thunder god vine. Under normal circumstances, Big Pharma would not be able to make any money off the thunder god vine, since you cannot patent nature. With this new drug, minnelide, however, Big Pharma will get a big FDA stamp of approval which will allow the newly patented, nutritionally ruined triptolide to be sold for hundreds and thousands of dollars.

Of course, there is always the option of just going out to the market and grabbing some thunder god vine yourself. I am sure a local asian market or online distributor sells this vine for a fraction of the price that a drug with half the amount of cancer-curing enzyme activity would go for.

To BUY LEI GONG TENGyou can order some by clicking HERE.

Sources: Live Love Fruit

(1) Hingorani, S., & Potter, J. (2012) Pancreas cancer meets the thunder god. Science Translational Medicine, 4, p.156ps21

(2) Zhou, G., Ding, X., Huang, J., Zhang, H., Wu, S., Cheng, J., & Wei, Q. (2008) Apoptosis of human pancreatic cancer cells induced by Triptolide. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 14, 1504-1509.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wilforlide A is extracted from the herb of Tripterygium wilfordii Hook.f. It has obvious anti-inflammatory effect at high-dose.Wilforlide A


  3. This is how to use Thunder God vine to Rid Cancers. The term Silver Bullet is used to mean a remedy which could fix a disease. Scientists & Researchers have long searched for that silver bullet to kill cancer efficiently & effectively. If a medicine kills 95% of cancer, there are 5% left. If it kills 99%, the 1% that survives will grow with potential to kill the patient. Therefore the silver bullet for cancer must remove 100% of cancers – this medicine exists and is Thunder God Vine root herb & its active ingredient triptolide.

    There is an article on Thunder god vine with the following:
    i. Ashok Saluja, vice chairman of research of University of Minnesota Cancer Center, told Bloomberg, "You could see every day you looked at those mice, the tumor was decreasing and decreasing, and then just gone."

    ii. "... triptolide has been shown to block the growth of all 60 U.S. National Cancer Institute cell lines at very low doses, and even causes some of those cell lines to die."

    See article url

    This method therapy with Thunder God vine only is not feasible since animals can be subjected to extreme conditions but poses problems for humans due to safety since the dose that works is near the toxic dose.

    But there is a 2nd option using the work of Dr. Rosen, his team took triptolide &/or Minnelide, the derivative of Triptolide and combined with chemotherapy continued to be effective for cancers – TGVs triptolide is administered at a fraction of the usual dose and the chemotherapy is also given at a fraction of its normal dose. The result is improved because the problems of 1. Chemotherapy resistance & 2. Toxicity are solved.
    Dr. Rosen with his company PharmaGenesis applied for a patent Invention because of their success. But this patent was in 2002 & no continuation, Minnelide is not available to patients and no further news about it.

    But one company, Lux Research picked up Rosen’s work & now supplies triptolide as thunder god pills. If a house has electrical problems, get an electrician, if one have a tooth problem, go to a dentist, don’t do the fixing if you are not qualified.
    Don’t get thunder god vine from a seller who does not apply Dr. Rosen’s methods.
    Patients can get chemotherapy from their doctors but use the dosage recommended by Lux. LUx found triptolide works with all chemo drugs and they can advise the dose for chemo and also how much thunder god capsules to use depending on patients weight.
    Therapy is 6 courses, each course is chemo & thunder god combined followed 5 days later by the next course, the 5 days can be adjusted to 6 or 7 days depending on the patient.

    This treatment is very simple yet effective.

    Info url

    There are no toxicity problems such as loss of hair, nausea, toxicity to brain, nerves, muscle, kidneys, liver, etc or other problems. This therapy is saving lives.
